Saturday 21st of December 2024    

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Send 3 FREE SMS Messages

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Download BethnanSMS App

For Android users only


Buy SMS Units

End Users = N1.00/Unit

1 msg = see Coverage Details for cost to each network

Messages to MTN numbers will be delivered with a default SenderID.

Units Calculator


SMS Unit:

Rate (Naira):

No. of SMS:


Pay Online

Enter amount to pay or generate from calculator above, click 'Make Payment' button you will be taken to our secured payment gateway.

Enter Amount:


Cash Payment Instructions

Cash deposit can be made at any branch of the banks below.

Zenith Bank:
Account Name: Bethnan Computers
Account Number: 1010231710

Guaranty Bank:
Account Name: Bethnan Computers
Account Number: 0025757445

For Name of Depositor: Write your username

You can also do online bank transfer to any of our accounts. Please input your username in the MEMO field.

Please note that your SMS accounts are credited within minutes of confirmation of payment. If there is a delay please call or send a text message to 08034055455.



Coverage Details

Airtel = N2.50

Globalcom = N2.50

Etisalat = N2.50

MTN = N3.00

All others = N3.00



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