Wednesday 18th of September 2024    
Web Development Package

Learn to create attractive, interactive and professional web sites.

Many companies and organizations in Nigeria are now creating and maintaining their web sites. Web sites are now an integral part of a business. It is a total representation of the business and what it does. Hundreds of millions of potential global customers and business partners see a business through its web site.

It must be professional, beautiful, carefully designed, fast, easy to navigate and kept up to date.

You can also create a web site to publish personal information including pictures for your relative and friends to see.

The Web Site Developer package provides you with the skills create amazing web sites using HTML, Microsoft FrontPage, Animated Images and JavaScript.


Web Site Development (Basic)

using HTML and Microsoft FrontPage

Course fee: =N=6,000.00
Duration: 1 Month
Prerequisites: ITC, Windows OS, MS Word, Internet & Emailing

Students will be taught the techniques to create attractive, efficient web sites. The course will include a complete coverage of the HTML tags. Creating web sites using Microsoft FrontPage would also be covered. Web site development concepts such as variations between browsers, image size, uniformity, easy navigation and resolution variations will be discussed. Publishing web sites using FTP clients, creating images and animated images will also be covered.

Advanced Web Site Development

using JavaScript

Course fee: =N=10,000.00
Duration: 1 Month
Prerequisites: ITC, Windows OS, MS Word, Internet & Emailing, Web Site Development (Basic)

The objective of this course is to use JavaScript to make interactive and dynamic web sites. On completion of this course, you should have sufficient understanding of JavaScript to provide advanced functionality to your web sites such as Browser Identification, Scrolling Messages, Advertising with Billboards, Dynamic Image Manipulation, Controlling Web Page Appearance, Working with Multiple Windows, designing multipart documents with frames and using Cookies to Personalize Home Pages.


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